Beatrice-Based Attorneys Preserving Family Farms
Serving Clients Throughout Jefferson, Saline, Gage, Johnson, & Lancaster Counties
Generation after generation families continue to grow what started as small land operations into large family farming businesses. After years of hard work, farming families often want to pass down not only their assets but their traditions as well. For these reasons it is important to plan. With the correct estate plan and a unique strategy to fit your situation, the businesses that have been so passionately constructed can be passed to the next generation effectively and efficiently.
Medicaid Planning
Although long term care insurance is a good start to plan for possible health expenses in the future, more often then not these resources tend to run out. Medicaid recovery effects many individuals across the country; however, there are ways to protect important assets such as your family farm from the medicaid asset recovery program. Traditional estate planning tools and careful work by our office can help assure that you, your family, and everything you’ve worked for are protected for years to come.
Schedule a free initial consultation by contacting us online or calling (402) 969-6199. Flexible payment options are available, and we offer our legal services in English and Portuguese.

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